Managing Pilot
Compliance and Safety
Cashmere Aviation works within the Scope of Works, compliance and safety of the relative AOC holder as per aircraft requirements and safety and operating standards.
Cashmere Aviation, together with Henley Air, provides a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS) operating from Kimberley Airport (FAKM) in the Northern Cape province of South Africa.
Using the Bell 222ut as the HEMS platform, we provide the industry with twin engine safety, internal space and long-range capabilities in excess of 320 nautical miles, thus making remote areas of the Northern Cape province accessible to HEMS.
Pilots conform to six-monthly OPCs, annual line checks and licence revalidations, along with a further requirement for IFR rated pilots to comply with 90-day recency training.
Our HEMS operations are SACAA approved for NVG night flying operations. Not only has this improved the safety of night flight operations, but it has also increased the number of night flights that we can provide as a service.